OUR Foundation

OUR Foundation

OUR Foundation

OUR Foundation

OUR Foundation

OUR Foundation

OUR Foundation

OUR Foundation

OUR Foundation

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.


Our Foundation

When the individual believes in Yeshua, he/she receives salvation. It is a total package.

Nothing further is added in terms of his position in Yeshua. He is justified, sanctified, sealed, receives spiritual gifts, and made righteous or clean in God's sight. He is "Grafted" at that instant into Israel.

There is no need for any further "grafting." He/she is already grafted in, in a moment of time, FOREVER! No one can add to what Yeshua has done. No one can add to the ingrafting, or make a "better graft" than Yeshua accomplished, ONCE!

There is no human work that can be performed that "adds to" what God has already given in Yeshua. It is His work, and not ours. The Apostolic Scriptures speak of being "Grafted In" to Israel for all those who accept Yeshua as their Messiah.

This "ingrafting" takes place at the moment of Salvation, and is not any "added work" that the Believer needs to perform to be "Grafted." There may indeed be Spiritual Growth after Salvation, even learning about the Hebraic Roots, etc., but no further "Grafting" is needed, as he/she is already "FULLY GRAFTED IN." The adoption is complete and all rights and privileges that are promised to Israel are promised to EVERYONE who believes in Messiah Yeshua. This was affirmed in the Torah and Apostolic Scriptures.

Is the "Church" the new Israel? An emphatic NO! Is Christianity the new "faith?" Another emphatic NO!

The ancient faith of the Hebrew people, the belief in God and His promised Messiah and the following of His Torah-the Living Word-Yeshua is the faith that God has called us to. Is it rabbinic Judaism? NO! Is it another form of modern Judaism or one of the Christian denominations? NO!

The faith of the patriarchs and the Torah given at Mount Sinai are the foundations for the true Hebraic faith. This faith makes room for Jews and gentiles under the same covering. This is the faith of Israel-THE WHOLE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. A faith made up of Believers from Judah and Ephraim (Israel) with true non-Israelites being brought in alongside as equal partakers of the promises.

"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor freeman, neither male nor female; for in union with the Messiah Yeshua, you are all one." Galatians 3:28

'Working to Restore Messianic Israel through Ephraim and Judah' Ezekiel 37:15-28 and Isaiah 8:14